​2025 Schedule of Events
The training day form must be completed by the Saturday before the scheduled Monthly Training Day if you plan to attend one of our training days. In addition to being a current member, the Bushkill Chapter charges $7 per dog per monthly training to cover expenses such as permits and equipment. Payment for birds and handlers fees are expected via PayPal upon registration. If we do not receive payment, we will not order your birds. ($10.50/chukar, $21 per duck, & $7 PER DOG).
**Training Fees can be paid via PAYPAL ONLY. Cash/Check will no longer be accepted. Please send your payment to @bushkillnavhda being sure to select friends/family. If we do not receive a pre-payment, birds will not be ordered.**
*VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PICK UP BIRDS* Volunteers are always needed to pick up birds. We get chukar from Trace (Boyertown Area) or Novak (Quakertown Area). Pheasant/Quail can be difficult to come by. All orders will be called in for you to pick up. You can be reimbursed for bird expenses via PayPal or paid via check the morning of the event. You must provide your own ducks. If we have no volunteers to pick up birds, then you must also provide your own birds.
All trainings will begin at 7:30am. They will last until mid-late afternoon depending on turnout. We will break for lunch. Please note that dates are subject to change, so please check back often. For directions to certain training grounds, please visit our directions page.
**You cannot order birds and train your dog at a training day without mailing your membership and release forms in prior, registering and paying bird fees via PayPal. You must also be a member of NAVHDA International.**