Join Us!
Payments for Membership Fees and Monthly Trainings can now ONLY be sent via PayPal to
Please use Friends/Family option.
Do you have a pointing dog that you are interested in teaching to hunt?
Come out to one of our training days and see what we are all about. Your first day is free! You'll be able to watch dogs at all levels: from puppy to finished pointing dog. If you like what you see, join!
For only $35/year, Bushkill provides 6 monthly training days with expansive fields and water for all your training needs.
To join you must fill out the Membership Application and the Annual Release and mail or email as directed with your payment. You must also have (and maintain) membership with NAVHDA National. You cannot order birds and train your dog at a training day without mailing these forms in prior.
Memberships must be renewed each year by Jan 1 or the annual meeting to retain your voting privileges within the chapter. Renewal members are still required to sign the application and release. DO NOT just send money.
Membership Application & Release
NAVHDA National Membership
​You must also join the National organization to be accepted as a member to our club. They help maintain insurance for our chapter.
In joining National, you will receive the monthly print publication, green training book, aims testing booklet, and car window decal.
Training Day Checklist
Orange Book
A great step-by-step guide on training bird dogs.
NAVHDA National Release for Non-Members
Anyone who would like to attend a training, test, or event that is not a member of NAVHDA National must complete this form for every event attended.
Members Only Webpage​
The password for the 'Members Only' page will be emailed out every March to the updated membership list. If you join mid-year, please reach out to to obtain the password.​